Over the last 35 years, Aboriginal history has emerged as one of the fastest growing and most dynamic fields in Canadian history.  Rather than simply casting Aboriginal peoples as either bloodthirsty savages or as noble, romantic comrades-in-arms, historians have begun to recognize that they have been active agents in shaping the development of Canada rather than simply supporting actors or passive victims of history.  The chapters in this volume highlight their important contributions as longstanding allies of the Crown from the colonial-era through to the 20th century.  If European “contact” was an ongoing process rather than an “event,” demanding a mutual exchange of ideas, technologies and military tactics, so too were evolving alliances between Aboriginal peoples and the Crown.  The process of mutual learning and engagement continues today and will continue into the future. – From the Introduction

P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Craig Mantle (eds), Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian Military: Historical Perspectives (Canadian Defence Academy Press, 2007).




Introduction     P. Whitney Lackenbauer

Chapter 1:        “A Necessary Evil?”Indians as Allies in the Struggle for North America, 1754-1760, Bernd Horn

Chapter 2:        His Majesty’s Aboriginal Allies: The Contribution of the Indigenous Peoples of North America to the Defence of Canada during the War of 1812, Donald Graves

Chapter 3:        Indifference, Difference and Assimilation: Aboriginal People in Canadian Military Practice, 1900-1945, Scott Sheffield

Documentary Interlude I: The Indians and the Great War (1919), D.C. Scott

Chapter 4:        Competing Loyalties in a Complex Community: Enlisting the Six Nations in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1917, Whitney Lackenbauer and Katharine McGowan

Chapter 5:        The Return of the Native: Six Nations Veterans and Political Change at the Grand River Reserve, 1917-1924,John Moses

Documentary Interlude II: Red Men Dig Up the Hatchet (1941), Philip Godsell

Chapter 6:        Invisible Women: Aboriginal Servicewomen in Canada’s Second World War Military, Grace Poulin

Chapter 7:        Canada’s Northern Defenders: Aboriginal Peoples in the Canadian Rangers,1947-2005, Whitney Lackenbauer

Chapter 8:        Moving Beyond “Forgotten”: The Historiography on Canadian Native Peoples and the World Wars, Whitney Lackenbauer and R. Scott Sheffield