Moving Beyond Benign Neglect: The Beaufort Sea Dispute, the Hans Island Agreement, and the Benefits of Compromise Solutions between Salt Water Neighbors.” Article for Ocean Development and International Law 55, no. 4 (December 2024): 422-433. (With Suzanne Lalonde.)

Looking Beyond China: Non-Western Actors in the Russian Arctic after February 2022,” Arctic Yearbook 2024 (November 2024): 1-28. (With Sergey Sukhankin.)

Friction Points in the Sino-Russian Arctic Partnership.” Joint Force Quarterly 111 (October 2023): 96-106. (With Adam Lajeunesse, Sergey Sukhankin, and Troy Bouffard.)

Russian Information Operations: The Kremlin’s Competitive Narratives and Arctic Influence Objectives.” Journal of Peace and War Studies 4 (October 2022): 161-186. (With Troy Bouffard and Adam Lajeunesse.)

Why China is Not a Peer Competitor in the Arctic.” Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs 5/5 (September-October 2022): 80-97. (With Adam Lajeunesse and Ryan Dean.)

 Canada’s and Russia’s Security and Defense Strategies in the Arctic: A Comparative Analysis.” Arctic Review of Law and Politics 13 (2022): 232-257. (With Alexander Sergunin.)

Strategy, Competition, and Legitimization:  Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation.” Arctic Yearbook 2021 (November 2021): 207-33. (With Sergey Sukhankin and Troy Bouffard.)

‘A Great Investment in Our Communities’: Strengthening Nunavut’s Whole-of-Society Search and Rescue Capabilities.Arctic 74/3 (September 2021): 258-75. (With Peter Kikkert.)

 Search and Rescue, Climate Change, and the Expansion of the Coast Guard Auxiliary in Inuit Nunangat / the Canadian Arctic.” Canadian Journal of Emergency Management 2/1 (June 2021): 26-63. (With Peter Kikkert.)

Opening an Arctic Escape Route: U.S. Coast Guard Cutters, HMCS Labrador, and the Bellot Strait Expedition, 1957.” Northern Mariner 31/1 (June 2021): 1-30. (With Adam Lajeunesse.)

The Canadian Rangers: Strengthening Community Disaster Resilience in Canada’s Remote and Isolated Communities.” Northern Review 51 (May 2021): 35-67. (With Peter Kikkert.)

“‘Defence Against Help’: Revisiting a Primary Justification for Canadian Participation in Continental Defence with the United States.” Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 20/2 (February 2021): 62-89. Reprinted in Shielding North America: Canada’s Role in NORAD Modernization, eds. Nancy Teeple and Ryan Dean. Peterborough: NAADSN, 2021. 143-62.

Tolerant Allies: The Joint Arctic Weather Stations, Canadianization, and Canada-U.S. Relations in the Cold War Arctic.” International Journal, 75/4 (December 2020): 487-502.

‘On Hallowed Ground’: St. Roch, Sovereignty, and the 1944 Northwest Passage Transit.” Northern Mariner 29/3 (Fall 2020): 213-32. (With Peter Kikkert.)

Canada and Geostrategy: From C.P. Stacey to Twenty-First Century Arctic Threat Assessment,” Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 20/1 (November 2019): 1-64. (With Ryan Dean.)

‘Indigenous Communities are at the Heart of Canada’s North’: Media Misperceptions of the Canadian Rangers, Indigenous Service, and Arctic Security,” Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 19/2 (December 2018): 158-192.

The Role of Indigenous Peoples in Armed Forces: Canadian and International Perspectives,” introduction to special issue of the Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 19/2 (December 2018): 1-17. (With Jean-François Savard.)

Conceiving and Executing Operation Gauntlet: The Allied Raid on Spitzbergen, 1941,” Canadian Military History 26/2 (Fall 2017): 1-32. (With Ryan Dean.)

‘Men of Frontier Experience’: Yukoners, Frontier Masculinity and the First World War.” Northern Review 44 (2017): 63-96. (With Peter Kikkert.)

‘The Index to a Man’s Principles’: Dawson and the Canadian Yukon Patriotic Fund, 1914-1920,” Northern Review 44 (2017): 384-410. (With Peter Kikkert.)

India and the Arctic: Revisionist Aspirations, Arctic Realities,” Jindal Global Law Review 8/1 (2017): 23-54.

The Canadian Armed Forces in the Arctic: Building Appropriate Capabilities.” Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, 16/4 (March 2016): 7-66. (With Adam Lajeunesse.)

“Premier Partners: Canada, the United States and Arctic Security.” Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 20/3 (Fall 2014): 320-33.  (With Rob Huebert.)

“Archipelagic Analogs? Indonesian Baselines, Canadian Arctic Sovereignty, and the Framing of Mental Maps, 1957-62.” International Journal of Canadian Studies 50 (December 2014): 227-52. (With Peter Kikkert.)

The Military as Nation-Builder: The Case of the Canadian North — The 2013 Ross Ellis Memorial Lecture in Military and Strategic Studies.” Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 15/1 (Summer 2013). 1-32.

“Setting an Arctic Course: Task Force 80 and Canadian Control in the Arctic, 1948.” The Northern Mariner 21/4 (October 2011). 327-58. (With Peter Kikkert.)

“Mirror Images? Canada, Russia, and the Circumpolar World.” International Journal 65/4 (Autumn 2010). 879-97.

“High Modernism in the Arctic: Planning Frobisher Bay and Inuvik.” Journal of Historical Geography 35/3 (July 2009). 517-544. (With Matthew Farish.)

Carrying the Burden of Peace: The Mohawks, the Canadian Forces, and the Oka Crisis.” Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 10/2 (Winter 2008). 1-71.

“Guerrillas in Our Midst: The Pacific Coast Militia Rangers, 1942-45.” BC Studies 155 (December 2007). 95-131.

“The Cold War on Canadian Soil: Militarizing a Northern Environment.”  Environmental History 12/3 (October 2007). 920-50. (With Matthew Farish.)

“The Achilles Heel of Canadian Good International Citizenship: Indigenous Diplomacies and State Responses in the Twentieth Century.” Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 13/3 (2007). 99-119. (With Andrew F. Cooper.) Reprinted in Readings in Canadian Foreign Policy: Classic Debates and New Ideas, 2nd ed., eds. D. Bratt and C.J. Kukucha (Oxford University Press, 2011).

“Teaching Canada’s Indigenous Sovereignty Soldiers … and Vice Versa: ‘Lessons Learned’ from Ranger Instructors.”  Canadian Army Journal 10/2 (Summer 2007). 66-81. Reprinted in Aboriginal Peoples and Military Participation: Canadian and International Perspectives ed. P.W. Lackenbauer et al. Kingston: Canadian Defence Academy Press, 2007. 99-124.

“‘A Hell of a Warrior’: Remembering Sergeant Thomas George Prince,” Journal of Historical Biography 1/1 (Spring 2007). 26-79.

“‘Of Practically No Use to Anyone’: Situating a Rifle Range on the Fort William Indian Reserve, 1905-1914,” The Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society Papers & Records 34 (2006). 3-28.

“The Canadian Rangers: A Postmodern Militia That Works.” Canadian Military Journal 6/4 (Winter 2006). 49-60.

“Partisan Politics, Civic Priorities, and the Urban Militia: Situating the Calgary Armoury, 1907-17.” Urban History Review 33/2 (Spring 2005). 45-60.

“The Irony and the Tragedy of Negotiated Space: A Case Study on Narrative Form and Aboriginal-Government Relations during the Second World War.” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association NS #15 (2004). 177-206. Winner of the 2005 Journal of the CHA award.

“‘Pay No Attention to Sero’: The Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte and Imperial Flying Training during the Great War.” Ontario History 46/2 (Autumn 2004). 143-69.

“The Politics of Contested Space: Controversy and the Construction of Currie Barracks.” Prairie Forum 28/1 (Spring 2003). 45-66.

“Under Siege: The CEF Attack on the RNWMP Barracks in Calgary, October 1916.” Alberta History 49/3 (Summer 2001). 2-12. Reprinted in The Frontier of Patriotism: Alberta and the First World War ed. Adrianna Davies and Jeff Keshen (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2016).

“The Military and ‘Mob Rule’: The CEF Riots in Calgary, February 1916.”  Canadian Military History 10/1 (Winter 2001). 31-42.

“Kurt Meyer, the 12th SS Panzer Division, and the Murder of Canadian Prisoners of War in Normandy: An Historical and Historiographical Appraisal.” Gateway (University of Saskatchewan) 3 (2001). Online. 26 pp.

“War, Memory, and the Newfoundland Regiment at Gallipoli.”  Newfoundland Studies 15/2 (Fall 1999). 176-214. Winner of the 1999 Memorial University of Newfoundland – Institute for Social and Economic Research student essay prize. Reprinted in Essays on the Great War: Papers Published in Newfoundland and Labrador Studies, ed. James Feehan (St. John’s: Centre for Newfoundland and Labrador Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2014).

Combined Operation: The Appropriation of Stoney Point Reserve and the Creation of Camp Ipperwash.”  Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 2/1 (Fall 1999). 29 pp.