2024-2027 | Primary investigator, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grant ($212 109) |
2022-2025 | Network Lead, Department of National Defence Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) Collaborative Network Grant ($750 000) |
2024-2026 | Co-Investigator, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Connection Grant ($48 105) (primary applicant: Heather Nicol) |
2024 | Primary applicant, Department of National Defence Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) Targeted Engagement Grant ($50 000) (co-applicant: Arturo Calvo, Assembly of First Nations Yukon Region) |
2024 | Primary applicant, Department of National Defence Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) Targeted Engagement Grant ($50 000) (co-applicant: Lieutenant Samantha Van Cleave, US Air Force Academy) |
2024 | Co-applicant, Department of National Defence Indigenous Reconciliation Fund ($50 000) (lead applicants: Bridget Larocque and Jozef Carnogursky) |
2023-2024 | Primary applicant, Department of National Defence Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) Targeted Engagement Grant ($50 000) (co-applicants: Bridget Larocque, consultant, and Dr. Evgeniia Sidorova, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada) |
2021-2024 | Co-investigator, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grant ($99 690 + $60,000 Department of National Defence Research Initiative Supplement) (primary applicant: Peter Kikkert) |
2022-2023 | Co-applicant, Department of National Defence Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) Targeted Engagement Grant ($39 246) (primary applicant: Kari Roberts, Mount Royal University) |
2021-2023 | Primary applicant, Department of National Defence Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) Targeted Engagement Grant ($50 000) (co-applicant: Jacqueline Kidd, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami) |
2021-2023 | Co-applicant, Department of National Defence Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) Targeted Engagement Grant ($49 738) (primary applicant: Duncan Depledge) |
2021-2022 | Primary applicant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Engage Grant ($25 000) |
2020-2021 | Co-applicant, Department of National Defence Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) COVID-19 Challenge ($10 000) Project: The Canadian Rangers and COVID-19 |
2019-2022 | Network Lead, Department of National Defence Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) Collaborative Network Grant ($750 000) Project: North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network (NAADSN) / Réseau sur la défense et la sécurité nord-américaines et arctiques (RDSNAA) |
2019-2021 | Co-applicant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant ($63 719 + $10 000 Defence Research and Development Canada Research Initiative Supplement) (primary applicant: Peter Kikkert) Project: Horizontal Capacity-Mapping to Support Capability-Based Planning and Capacity-Building for Community-Based Maritime and Coastal Search and Rescue and Emergency Response in the Western Arctic |
2019-2021 | Collaborator, Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response Network Early Career (MEOPAR) Faculty Grant ($100 000) (primary applicant: Peter Kikkert) Project: Horizontal Capacity-Mapping to Support Capability-Based Planning and Capacity-Building for Community-Based Maritime and Coastal Search and Rescue and Emergency Response in the Kitikmeot Region of Nunavut |
2019-2021 | Co-applicant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant ($63 000) (primary applicant: Adam Lajeunesse) Project: The Manhattan Voyage and the Creation of the Modern Canadian North |
2018-2019 | Primary Investigator, Department of National Defence - Defence Engagement Program (DEP) Targeted Engagement Grant ($24 265) Project: Measuring the Success of the Canadian Rangers: Using Statistical Methods, Gender Based Analysis Plus, and Stakeholder Dialogue to Discern Culturally Relevant and Appropriate Metric |
2018-2019 | Applicant, Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security, and Society (TSAS) Small Projects Grant ($15 000) (with Shannon Nash) Project: Terrorism and the Terrorized: How the “Terrorism†Label is Informed and Applied to a Violent Attack in Canada |
2017-2020 | Co-applicant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant ($227 010) (primary applicant: Kristin Bartenstein) Project: Navigating Canadian Arctic waters: Uniformity and Unilateralism in Law-Making in the Era of the International Polar Code |
2017-2020 | Co-applicant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant ($227 010) (primary applicant: Kristin Bartenstein)Â Project: Navigating Canadian Arctic waters: Uniformity and Unilateralism in Law-Making in the Era of the International Polar Code |
2017-2020 | Co-applicant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant ($67 505) (primary applicant: Jean-François Savard) Project: La perception des Autochtones des Forces canadiennes comme élément explicatif de leur faible représentation |
2016-2017 | Primary Investigator, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Connection Grant ($48 424) (co-investigators: John Borrows, Penny Bryden, John English, Marcel Martel, and Martin Paquet) Project: The Confederation Debates, 1865-1949. |
2016-2017 | Primary Investigator, Department of National Defence Defence Engagement Program (DEP) Targeted Engagement Grant ($24 395) Project: A Whole-of-Government/Comprehensive Approach to Defence, Security and Safety in the Arctic: Meeting Public Policy Challenges and Translating Theory into Practice |
2015-2020 | Primary Investigator, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grant ($107 771) (co-investigators: Daniel Heidt and Adam Lajeunesse) Project: Canadian-American Relations in the Cold War Arctic, 1946-72 |
2014-2015 | University of Manitoba Libraries Archives & Special Collections, Dr. Andrew Taylor Northern Studies Award and Research Grant ($1500) (co-investigator: Daniel Heidt) Project: Two Years Below the Horn book and website |
2013 | Chanchlani India Policy Centre (CIPC) Policy Research Grant ($7500) Project: India and the Arctic |
2013 | Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation Grant ($4000) Project: Operation Gauntlet book |
2012-2013 | Primary Investigator, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) Research Grant ($30 000) (co-investigator: Dr. James Manicom) Project: The Internationalization of the Arctic Council |
2012-2013 | Primary Investigator, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Public Outreach Grant – Northern Communities ($24 265) Project: The Canadian Rangers: A Living History |
2012-2013 | Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation Grant ($26 000) Project: Arctic Peoples and Security |
2011-2015 | Co-project lead, ArcticNet Research Grant ($274 570) (co-lead: Dr. Rob Huebert; co-investigator Dr. Suzanne Lalonde) Project: The Emerging Arctic Security Environment: External and Internal Dimensions |
2010-2011 | Kitikmeot Inuit Association – Program Funding ($13 200) (partnership with Kitikmeot Heritage Society) Project: Cambridge Bay/Ikaluktutiak: A Community-Based History |
2010-2011 | Primary Investigator, SSHRC Research Development Grant ($24 700) (partnership with Kitikmeot Heritage Society) Project: Cambridge Bay/Ikaluktutiak: A Community-Based History |
2010-2011 | Co-investigator, ArcticNet Research Grant ($71 491) (primary applicant: Dr. Rob Huebert; co-investigator Dr. Suzanne Lalonde) Project: The Emerging Arctic Security Environment: External and Internal Dimensions |
2009-2010 | Primary Investigator, SSHRC Public Outreach Grant – Northern Communities ($40 248) (co-investigators: Dr. Rob Huebert and Dr. Suzanne Lalonde) Project: Arctic Front, Arctic Homeland: Practicing Sovereignty and Security in the Canadian North |
2009-2010 | Co-Investigator, SSHRC Research Development Initiatives Grant – Northern Communities ($52 249) (with Dr. Matthew Farish) Project: Modernization and Social Science in the Cold War Canadian North |
2009-2010 | Department of National Defence Security and Defence Forum Special Projects Grant ($4000) (with Capt. Tim Winegard) Project: Canadian Forces Internal Security Operations and Aboriginal Lands |
2006-2009 | Primary Investigator, SSHRC Public Outreach Grant – Northern Communities ($40 248) (co-investigators: Dr. Rob Huebert and Dr. Suzanne Lalonde) Project: Arctic Front, Arctic Homeland: Practicing Sovereignty and Security in the Canadian North |
2005-2007 | Co-Investigator, SSHRC Research Development Initiatives Grant – Northern Communities ($52 249) (with Dr. Matthew Farish) Project: Modernization and Social Science in the Cold War Canadian North |
2004-2005 | Arctic Institute of North America Research Grant ($5000) (with Dr. Matthew Farish) Project: The Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line: A Bibliography |
1999-2003 | SSHRC Doctoral Research Grant ($66 800) Project: Aboriginal Peoples and Military Lands |
2024 | Department of National Defence Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) Young MINDS Targeted Engagement Grant (2 x $10 000) |
2023 | Department of National Defence Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) Young MINDS Targeted Engagement Grant ($10 000) |
2022 | Applicant, Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security, and Society (TSAS) Small Projects Grant (with Dr. Shannon Nash) |
2020 | Internship Supervisor, ECO (Environmental Career Opportunities) Canada Grant ($7500) Project: Climate Change Policy Research Assistant: Security and Sustainability |
2019-2021 | Internship Supervisor (with four others), Mitacs Accelerate Grant ($460 000) for Building a National Ocean Literacy Strategy Partner Organizations: Ocean Wise, Stratos, Students on Ice Foundation, Clean Foundation, NIVA Inc. |
2018-2019 | Applicant, Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security, and Society (TSAS) Small Projects Grant ($15 000) (with Dr. Shannon Nash) |
2012-2013 | Primary Investigator, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) Research Grant ($30 000) (co-investigator: Dr. James Manicom) Project: The Internationalization of the Arctic Council |
2023 | The Symons Trust Fund for Canadian Studies ($2325) |
2022 | The Symons Trust Fund for Canadian Studies ($1800) |
2019-2020 | The Symons Trust Fund for Canadian Studies ($3020) |
2018-2019 | St. Jerome’s University (SJU) Faculty Research Grant ($5419) (with Dr. Ryan Touhey) |
2017-2018 | University of Waterloo Robert Harding/Lois Claxton Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grant ($5500) Project: Liminal Citizen-Soldiers: The 1916 Canadian Expeditionary Force Soldier Riots Reconsidered |
2017-2018 | St. Jerome’s University (SJU) Faculty Research Grant ($7434) Project: Indigenous Perspectives on the World Wars: Letters in the Canadian Indian Affairs Archives |
2016-2017 | St. Jerome’s University (SJU) Faculty Research Grant ($7440) Project: A Comprehensive Approach to Security and Safety in the Arctic: Meeting Public Policy Challenges and Translating Theory into Practice |
2015-2016 | St. Jerome’s University (SJU) Faculty Research Grant ($7435) Project: Dr. Andrew Taylor, Operation Tabarin, and the Struggle for Recognition |
2014-2015 | St. Jerome’s University (SJU) Faculty Research Grant ($6800) Project: Liminal Citizen-Soldiers: The 1916 Canadian Expeditionary Force Soldier Riots Reconsidered |
2013-2014 | St. Jerome’s University (SJU) Faculty Research Grant ($6850) Project: Operation Gauntlet: The Combined Operation against Spitsbergen, 1941 |
2012-2013 | SJU Faculty Research Grant ($6996) Project: Securing Sovereignty: Canada and the Early Cold War Arctic, 1946-1955 |
2011-2012 | SJU Faculty Research Grant ($3700) Project: The Joint Arctic Weather Stations: Sovereignty and Science in the High Arctic, 1947-1972 |
2011-2012 | SJU Faculty Research Grant ($2300) Project: The Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy and the World Wars |
2009-2012 | SJU Centre for Responsible Citizenship Research Grants ($12 900) Project: Cambridge Bay (Ikaluktutiak): A Community-Based History. |
2010-2011 | SJU Faculty Research Grant ($5371) Project: A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North and Related Problems of the Law of the Sea |
2008-2009 | SJU Faculty Research Grants ($6000) Projects: Native Canadian and Indian Agent Responses to Conscription; Blockades or Breakthroughs? Aboriginal Peoples Confront the Canadian State, 1970-2007 |
2007-2008 | SJU Faculty Research Grants ($5595) Projects: Custos Borealis: The Military in the Canadian North, 1899-2006; The Pacific Coast Militia Rangers: A History |
2006-2007 | SJU Faculty Research Grant ($5180) Project: The Cold War on Canadian Soil: An Environmental History |
2006 | Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies ($2800) Travel grants for Ranger research in Newfoundland, Labrador, and Quebec |
2005-2006 | SJU Faculty Research Grant ($6000) Project: The Canadian Rangers: A Living History |
2004-2005 | SJU Faculty Research Grant ($4700) Project: The Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line: A Spatial History |
2000 | Student Research Assistantship, University of Calgary Faculty of Humanities Philology Research Group ($600) Project: Kurt Meyer on Trial: A Documentary Record |
2024-2028 | Co-investigator, Search and Rescue New Initiatives Fund (SAR NIF) (primary applicant: Peter Kikkert) ($1 361 900) |
2022-2025 | Co-investigator, Canada-Inuit Nunangat-United Kingdom Arctic Research Programme (CINUK) Grant (primary applicant: Peter Kikkert) ($356 513 – Canadian budget) |
2024-2026 | External contributor, Research Council of Norway grant (primary applicants: Iver Neumann, Andreas Østhagen, and Anne-Kristin Jørgensen) (Lackenbauer portion: 60 000 NOK over 3 years) |
2023-2026 | External contributor, Research Council of Norway grant (primary applicant: Svein Vigeland Rottem) (Trent University portion: 250 000 NOK over 4 years) |
2013-2016 | Co-investigator, SSHRC Insight Grant ($395 250) (primary applicant: Dr. Frédéric Lasserre) Project: La politique et les intérêts de la Chine dans l'Arctique |
2013-2020 | Collaborator, SSHRC Partnership Grant ($2 300 000) (primary applicant: Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly) Project: Borders in Globalization |
2011-2016 | Co-investigator, Canadian Foundation for Innovation Major Collaborative Research Initiatives Grant ($2 500 000) (primary applicant: Dr. Chris Southcott) Project: Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic (ReSDA) |
2020 | Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS), Awards to Scholarly Publication Grant ($8000) Book: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic |
2017 | SJU Aid to Scholarly Publications Award ($1400) Book: Roots of Entanglement: Essays in Native-Newcomer Relations |
2017 | FHSS, Awards to Scholarly Publication Grant ($8000) Book: China’s Arctic Ambitions and What They Mean for Canada |
2016 | SJU Aid to Scholarly Publications Award ($1500) Book: China’s Arctic Ambitions and What They Mean for Canada |
2016 | FHSS, Awards to Scholarly Publication Grant ($8000) Book: Two Years Below the Horn |
2016 | SJU Aid to Scholarly Publications Award ($1500) Book: Two Years Below the Horn |
2015 | SJU Aid to Scholarly Publications Award ($1550) Book: Le Canada et la transformation de l’Arctique : Souveraineté, sécurité et intendance |
2013 | Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS), Awards to Scholarly Publication Grant ($8000) Book: Blockades or Breakthroughs? |
2013 | SJU Aid to Scholarly Publications Award ($1500) Book: Blockades or Breakthroughs? |
2013 | FHSS Awards to Scholarly Publication Grant ($8000) Book: A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North |
2013 | SJU Aid to Scholarly Publications Award ($2000) Book: A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North |
2012 | FHSS Awards to Scholarly Publication Grant ($8000) Book: The Canadian Rangers: A Living History |
2012 | SJU Aid to Scholarly Publications Award ($2000) Book: The Canadian Rangers: A Living History |
2006 | Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada, Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme Grant ($7000) Book: Battle Grounds |
2023 | Primary applicant, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (200 000 NOK / $25 032 CAD) |
2020 | Global Affairs Canada – International Security Research and Outreach Program (ISROP) Grant ($3000) |
2018-19 | Co-applicant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Connection Grant ($24 060) (primary applicant Dr. Suzanne Lalonde) Conference: Russia's Arctic Interests: Implications for Circumpolar Relations and Canada's Arctic Foreign Policy, to be hosted in Ottawa, Ontario. |
2017-2018 | Primary Investigator, Department of National Defence - Defence Engagement Program (DEP) Targeted Engagement Grant ($20 000) Project: Russia’s Arctic Interests: Implications for Canadian Defence, Security, and Foreign Policy |
2017 | Co-applicant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Connection Grant ($24,925) (primary applicant Dr. Heather Nicol)Â Making Northern Borders Work An Exploration of Regional Management, Policy and Practice, workshop hosted at Yukon College, Whitehorse, Yukon. |
2016 | Co-applicant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Connection Grant ($24,925) (primary applicant Dr. Heather Nicol) One Arctic? The United States and the Arctic Council, workshop hosted at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, DC. |
2015 | Co-applicant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Connection Grant ($19,754) (primary applicant Dr. Stephen Bocking) Cold Science: Arctic Science in North America During the Cold War, 1945-1991, workshop hosted by the Frost Centre for Canadian Studies & Indigenous Studies (Trent University). |
2015 | Primary applicant, SSHRC Connection Grant ($21,600) Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic |
2015 | Primary applicant, Balsillie School for International Affairs Major Workshop Grant ($8500) (awarded but declined) Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic |
2014 | Co-applicant, SSHRC Connection Grant ($14 000) (primary applicant: Dr. Heather Nicol) Arctic Security Whole of Government Research Workshop, co-hosted by Trent University and the Canadian Defence Academy. |
2001-2003 | Honorary Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship ($6300) |
1999-2001 | Honorary Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship ($12 000) |
2000-2001 | University of Calgary Fee Scholarship ($2000) |
2000-2001 | Association for Canadian Studies Graduate Research Travel Scholarship ($2000) |
1998-99 | Department of National Defence (SDF) M.A. Scholarship ($12 000) |
1998-99 | The Chancellor Norford Graduate Scholarship, University of Calgary ($3000) |
1998-99 | Graduate Thesis Travel Grant, University of Calgary |
1998-99 | Graduate Research Scholarships, University of Calgary ($7840) |
1998-99 | Province of Alberta Graduate Scholarship ($6200) |
1998-99 | Faculty of Graduate Studies Scholarship, University of Calgary ($1000) |
1998 | Canadian Battle of Normandy Foundation Study Tour bursary ($3500) |
1993-98 | University of St. Jerome's College Academic Scholarships |